Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Heart Started

I admit it...the heart is my fave motif!! I'm just stuck on them!!! So here's a little look at something I'm getting ready for my shop...

The sterling silver bead on this one says "Angel". I've already finished some other beaded hearts, but those will have to wait for another day to post!!!
Happy aloha weekend to all!

May BJP Completed!

Boy, I never thought I'd make it with all that's been going on! But I finally finished my May BJP!!! Now all I have to do is mount all my focal pieces on painted boards & add danglies & words! Gee...sounds simple, huh? Ha! Anyway, here's some pics of the process. I based the form on an ancient statuette of The Venus of Willendorf. In reality she is only 4 3/8 " high. Mine is 6". Some believe she is a mother goddess figure, which is one of the reasons I chose her for May. I also challenged myself by only using 3 colors of seed beads. I wanted to see if I could show shape & form with a limited palette. I found out that lined beads show up bright, which wasn't exactly what I wanted. I also wish I'd started with her belly as I like the way she looks from there. But it was an excellent learning experience in more ways than one!

Now on to getting them all on boards!!! Whew!

Erica's Affirmation Angel

Before my niece came to visit, she had just finished up college, & was in need of a break! She'd been working alot too! I wanted to make her something special for her graduation...and her birthday. So, there was an idea I'd had for my store, & I decided to make her the first of the series. Hers is a little larger than the others will be, but they will be the same basic idea. It's a small stuffed angel with a pocket in back to hold affirmations. (I also included a check as a surprise!) ;) I think she liked it! Here's some pics of the process:

Once it was complete, I stuffed it with pure cotton & a handful of lavender. It smells so good! I wrote her a card from her Affirmation Angel! I hope it helps her in the next part of her life's journey!

Family Visit & 4th of July

Slow but sure, I'm getting back online. Most of my family have returned home, but my niece has decided to stay until August sometime. Here's a pic of my sis & my nieces with us at the local pizza joint:

For the first time in 20 years, our little town of Kekaha held a 4th of July celebration! It was fun to be at a local event & see neighbors & friends. I've included a few pics here...including some interesting fair food! Loco moco & saimin! My niece & Ron really liked it! The fireworks were pretty incredible for such a small town! And of course Ron's flag with his pirate hook on top!

Hopefully I'll be posting more soon!