Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Paddy's Day!

Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day.  I did something yesterday that my DH had never seen.  I dyed our mashed potatoes well as my glass of wine!  It goes well with the green broccoli, green avocados & DH's headband.  He has a story about his mom dyeing the yolks green in devilled eggs for a St. Patrick Day church potluck.  Everyone ate her regular ones, but no one ate those green eggs!  If I'd been there, I would have eaten them!  Here's a couple pics!
Aren't you green with envy?  LOL!

What is Layering?

I have a dear pal in HI who wants to learn more about art.  I talked to her about layering.  Whether with watercolors, colored pencils, or other art mediums, layering is integral to some art styles.  So I decided to show her the process.  Below are the 3 different layers I sent to her.  I still have more to go, as well as finishing that background!  Sorry the scanner picked up so much white space.  I didn't have time to crop it.  Ah, well.

Layer One:  Just the darkest darks & a hint of where lights & color will go:

Layer Two:  Adding more lights, darks and color

Layer Three:  More lights, darks, colors & some modeling...haven't started burnishing yet!


While I've been resting, I've been doing some crocheting.  Since my grandma taught me as a child, it comes very natural to me.  Here's a pic of a large Granny Square made of Fiesta Peaches & Creme.  It's gonna be even larger as I'm making it into a lap blanket.  I just keep adding to each row of the Granny Square.
Also, when I was in Seattle, I lost my favorite black scarf!!!  I've really missed it!  So I decided to crochet myself a different one.  Maybe it will be ready in time for next winter! 
It's really wide & long!

B. Ruppe Drugs

I had read in a NM magazine about a place called B. Ruppe Drugs. 
It's the oldest pharmacy in NM. 
But now they don't do refills or prescriptions. 
They just do OTC items as well as all sorts of herbs, roots
& natural items that they package and sell. 
They may have to sell soon as the curandera is 80,
 and her male helper is 90!  (You can see him in one of the pics.) 
They also have an altar in the middle of the store that has candles to light,
paper to write prayers on, & lots of santos to see. 
I'm so sorry they are going to have to sell this place! 
I bought some wonderful teas, tinctures, roots, etc
for my pals who wanted some, & some for me too!
Here are some pics for you to enjoy before it's out of business.
Click on a pic to enlarge it.

The outside:

The inside with the 90 year old helper:
DH taking it all in:

The Altar

Roots and Herbs RTG:
The Russian Orthodox Church across the street:

Real American Take Out Chinese Food

So in Kaua'i, we didn't have a heck of alot of take out joints. 
Now here in NM we are surrounded by all kinds! 
We just had to have a go at 'em.  Here's a pic:
Oh, it tasted so good!  They even have delivery!
What a treat!


I've been raak'd!  (Random act of art kindness) 
I know I haven't blogged in quite awhile, but I received some precious gifts
from a dear pal here in NM.  Here's a pic:
The center goddess is "January"! 
I told my pal awhile back that I LOVED her! 
So she sent her to me! 
She was part of a series of 12 & I never would've believed I'd get her!
She also sent me a pamphlet on fatigue,
a tea bag folding & 
a wonderful Seeing You watercolor! 
This artist is so generous!  Love you sweetie!