Tuesday, April 3, 2012

And he still goes on!

Here are a few pics of Ron's WIPs 
& where he ended up putting his afghan:
He tried it on our Queen bed
But decided to put it on our double guest bed
Ron's Granny Zia WIP
Another WIP he's doing
My DH is on a break now 'cuz he has to do taxes.
But I'm sure he'll be back!


Jody said...

Fantastic pictures, I agree the weather is pretty weird for April. Hoping all will get better in the weather department, kind of scary.

CC said...

I hope it gets better soon too!

H.E. Curtis said...

Hi! This is Harold from once upon a time. my email is hejustmecurtis@gmail.com Cool blog, I llike the afaghan alot (the black and colored one). My Mom had one very similar and it has wonderful memories for me. :)

CC said...

Hi, Harold! Good to see you here! I put you on my Contacts list & my blog list so I can send you updates. I'm glad you like DH's afghan! He's making another only with 6 sides sections. His mom taught him Granny squares to pass the time in a VA hospital after being injured in Vietnam. He hadn't made them in years so asked me for a refresher. Then he went nutso! But I'm glad he's having fun in his retirement! Hugs! CC, aka Minerva ☺