Saturday, April 19, 2014

2014 WW Sketchcrawl 43

OK...still haven't updated my blog.  I've been busy in the studio painting.  But today was the first 2014 WW Sketchcrawl 43 and it's the first time I've ever been part of it.  It was cloudy and cold here in New Mexico, so I stayed in with a warm cup of tea & sketched that!  I used pen and watercolor.  Here's the sketch:
I "pushed" the colors to try out some new ideas.  Hopefully soon I can post some of the sketches and paintings I've been working on!  Until then, wishing you all a Happy Easter, Happy Passover & Blessed Ostara!


Harold Curtis said...

I am eagerly waiting to see what you share. :) Bright blessings m'lady. :)

Harold Curtis said...

I can't wait to see your sketches and work when you post more. Bright blessings. :) Harold

CC said...

Merry meet, Sir Harold!!! I'm hoping to get to the computer sometime soon! I'm just so enjoying my time in the studio!
Brightest blessings to you too & merry meet again! ♥

Anonymous said...

It's a good idea to have started, even if you were on your own ! Seeing this, I had the idea of making my personal sketchcrawl, even if it means drawing my cat or my garden. They're Worth it, after all ! Thanks for the idea !!

Just Me Jody said...

I just love the drawing and of course the colors and the "mug"....I didn't know u had music on ur blog till today :-) Love you Hugs Sis

CC said...

Hi, Sis! Glad you liked it...I really pushed the colors. Love my mug! ;) Yup, I put the wikplayer on this year! If you don't want to hear it, you can pause it. Or turn it down. It's fun for me to listen to while I work sometimes! I'm wondering if I could just put it on my computer? Have to check that out! Love you! P.S. Love your avatar!

CC said...

Thanks, Chantal! Yes, all life is worth paying attention to! Whether it's your cat, garden, or even a weed! All of nature is wonderful! Hope you have a happy earth day!

Gwen Diehn said...

Hey CC! Just found your blog after all this time of you doing your sweet comments on mine. Happy to note we were both doing the April 19 sketch crawl in our own ways. I was in Barcelona and met up with a group thanks to my friend pat who meets up in NYC usually. We went together to the sea and sketch

CC said...

Yea, Gwen! It worked! Thanks for checking out my blog! Now I REALLY have to start posting more! Amazing that we were both doing the same thing on the same day! Wish your stuff hadn't gotten stolen so I could see your sketch!
Ciao, Bella!