Thursday, October 29, 2009
They have SEASONS!! Here's Fall!
Petroglyph National Monument
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
These dances are mountain spirit dances for healing. The dancers are painted in black & white symbols with large jingle bells, ribbons & feathers as part of their outfits. But the main thing that amazed me were the incredible headdresses! Wooden with some mirrors & paint...and they'd dance with these heavy things on their head, even bowing clear to the ground! Just amazing!
Balloon Fiesta
The Balloon Fiesta! Wow! We were several miles away from the field but were still able to see so many hot air balloons! Sometimes the wind caught 'em & flew 'em toward the city! Some even landed in very odd places. Like this one below:
Rio Grande Arts & Crafts Festival
So, while we're waiting for all the paperwork & inspections to get finished, we decided to see a few things that were happening around here. One was the Rio Grande Arts & Crafts Festival that was held in this tent. It's a 3 story high tent! It had lots of painters, potters, glass workers, stone carvers, wood carvers & even one person with an Oshibana booth! They came from so many states! Lots of pretty stuff inside, so we got lots of ideas. And even tried some free range goat cheese that was so yummy! Gonna love this place!