Sunday, October 11, 2009

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

A trip to ABQ wouldn't be complete for me without a trip to the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. Ron had never been, so we took a tour yesterday. It had been about 10 years since I'd last been here & some things sure have changed. But the dance remains the same.
This time they had a group that came in from Arizona. You can see the drummers below:

These dances are mountain spirit dances for healing. The dancers are painted in black & white symbols with large jingle bells, ribbons & feathers as part of their outfits. But the main thing that amazed me were the incredible headdresses! Wooden with some mirrors & paint...and they'd dance with these heavy things on their head, even bowing clear to the ground! Just amazing!

Below is a closer picture of one of the headdresses!


Azlina Abdul said...

Thank you for sharing CC! Something new for me to learn from that place :). Looks fun!

CC said...

It's all interesting! More to come!