Thursday, October 28, 2010

Slowly but surely...

...I'm getting better.  Building up my immune system.  I've done a few things after I hit the wall, so I haven't been totally in bed reading books & eating bon bons!  :)  So here is one new thing I've started doing that's not too labor intensive.  Needle felting!
Doesn't take alot of tools or energy!  Just some sheep roving, a couple needles, a foam pad & some fancies to felt into the design.  Poke, Poke, Poke...but be careful!  Those needles have sharp barbs on them!!!
Here's a sample of a few ornaments I've been working on.  I added shiny threads, Angelina fibers & sewed on some beads.  Easy squeezy!


mAtilda said...

ciao CC, questo tuo lavoro mi era sfuggito.è davvero molto interessante.
io non so usare la lana cardata.
le perline le hai inserite lavorando la lana o dopo?
ti abbraccio

hello CC, this your job me were unnoticed. it is indeed a lot interesting. I do not know to use the rebuked wool. you have inserted the beads working the wool or after? I embrace to you


CC said...

Hi, Matilda!
I hand needle felt the wool roving first with a barbed needle so it will stay together, then I decorate with beads, floss, etc. It's good for frustration! :)
Hugs to you too!
Ciao, Matilda! Passo l'ago ho ritenuto le lane che torco in primo luogo con un ago pungente in modo da rimarrà insieme, quindi decoro con i branelli, il filo di seta, ecc. It' s buona per la frustrazione! :) Abbracci a voi anche!