Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cookie Day 2010

This will probably be my last post of the year since New Year's is coming up.  And we do plan on just a little celebrating!  But I had to get in some pictures of Cookie Day.  I think I explained before that it is a family tradition on my Italian side to make Christmas cookies and deliver them to our neighbors.  No matter where we are, we all work out a day to make cookies, then we call and check on each other's progress.  It's a fun tradition!  Here's some pic:
Get ingredients together
Mix up a batch
Knead the dough
Roll out the snakes to wrap around your finger
Trays ready to go in the oven
Frosting and decorating the cookies
Finger cookies!   (Hey Matilda!  Do you know what these are called in Italian?)
 Decorated sugar cookies
And there we have them all ready to batch up and go!
Happy New Year to you all!  May you all be healthy and happy!


Peggy said...

Soooo happy to see you up and baking! We baked, too, and experienced the great joy of gifting our friends and neighbors with the cookies. Happy New Year!

Jody said...

way cool, I want a bite, yum
Thank you for the lovely & card & the wonderful shooting star, I just love it!!!
Now I want to learn how to do those & Hugs

mAtilda said...

ma che bel quadretto di famiglia. felice di vederti.

Lee & Sandra said...

Ooooh... Sandra LOVES sugar cookies. It was all she could do to keep from indulging in them this holiday. Great to see you guys had a good holiday! 2011 is going to be quite the year!

CC said...

Thanks, all! The cookies were great! Gained a few pounds but sure enjoyed them! Glad you all had a happy time. Hope you all have a wonderful new year!