Aloha to all who stopped by & said hi! Someone wanted to know if I knew I was living in one of the states! I do know! ;) I just wanted to wish my friends in other parts of the world a good weekend too!
We were at a camp up in the mountains of Kokee. If you do a Google Image search on Kokee, you can see some of the beautiful scenery I got to enjoy. Living closer to the ocean, it feels nice, especially at this time of year, to go up into the mountains to get a break from the heat.
Today I get back to my projects. At a future time I'll post some of the other arts & crafts I've been doing. The Bead Journal Project starts Friday, so I need to finish up some stuff today & prep for that. I have SO many ideas! It's hard to narrow it down to just one. It's such a blessing to be able to do work you love!
Hoping we all can pass on a little peace, love & joy!
With aloha,
P.S. Above is a pic I took last year. This year it was all blue skies!