Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Back from the Long Weekend

Aloha to all who stopped by & said hi! Someone wanted to know if I knew I was living in one of the states! I do know! ;) I just wanted to wish my friends in other parts of the world a good weekend too!

We were at a camp up in the mountains of Kokee. If you do a Google Image search on Kokee, you can see some of the beautiful scenery I got to enjoy. Living closer to the ocean, it feels nice, especially at this time of year, to go up into the mountains to get a break from the heat.

Today I get back to my projects. At a future time I'll post some of the other arts & crafts I've been doing. The Bead Journal Project starts Friday, so I need to finish up some stuff today & prep for that. I have SO many ideas! It's hard to narrow it down to just one. It's such a blessing to be able to do work you love!

Hoping we all can pass on a little peace, love & joy!

With aloha,


P.S. Above is a pic I took last year. This year it was all blue skies!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Hi all!
Thanks to all who figured out, or knew, how to make a comment on my blog! And for all the emails from those who sent 'em out to me personally! This is gonna be fun!
Some of you asked if this is going to just follow the beading project I'm doing at the moment. Nope...I'm gonna tell you all the gory details of every little thing I do! Just kidding! It's about my adventures in art...and the Bead Journal Project finally gave me the impetus to do this blog thing.
I also want to thank those who welcomed me to the project. I think we're gonna have a great time!
Have a safe Memorial Day weekend, for those of you in the States...and blessings to all! We're heading up to Kokee...the mountainous area of Kauai for the holiday! See you all next week!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bead Journal Project

When I first saw BJP in my inbox I thought "What is Peanut Butter & Jelly doing in here?" Then I realized that I had transposed the letters. The email was really from Robin Atkins! I am honored to be officially a participating member of the Bead Journal Project! Each of us artists will make a beaded piece a month...any size, any subject, any theme...just our personal bead art. I am really excited about this project! I've just finished up some commissions, & am just ending a journal swap, so this was a wonderful new direction to take on the journey. I am honored to be in this group hanging out with some of the best bead artists! I'm sure I'll be asking for alot of help! :) More to come as we progress...we start June 1st! Woo hoo!

Improvisational Beading

I heard those words, "Improvisational Beading", & started to immediately bead this piece: "Pink Cookie"! I titled the piece after I made it...front & back. I have no idea what I'm going to do with it, but it was great fun! Then I ordered Robin Atkins' book called "One Bead at a Time". I read the whole thing in one day! All the rules from art school flew out the window. I was in art heaven! And I've been hooked ever since!


Aloha! Welcome to my personal art blog!

This is the place where I can share my creations, art projects & visions. I've only just begun, but I'm believing it will be a fun trip! Right now this journey is starting on the island of Kauai where I currently live. It's a beautiful, warm, sunny day with the trade winds gently blowing! Grab a tall cool one & come on in!