Friday, April 9, 2010

Tramway Birthday!

OMG!  Ron decided for his birthday that he wanted to go up the Tramway on the Sandia mountains & eat at the High Finance restaurant on top!  I was excited to be able to go with him!  It's fun to go from warm desert up to icy snow & see skiers & snowboarders!  So here's just a few pics from that special day!  (It sure was hard to edit down these pics!)
Here's Ron at the start of the tram. 
 Here comes our car!
 Here we go up over the first tower.
 Passing another car at the halfway point.
Looking down at the highest point.  See the snow start.
We're there! 
Check out the icicles!!!
 The Happy Birthday Boy!
Here's our ride down!
 This was such a fun day!  I just wish I could figure out the updated post editor so all these pics don't have to show up in a line like this.  I'm sure I'll figure it out, so bare with me!  Thanks!  Oh, & you can still click on the pics to make them least I hope so!  :)

1 comment:

Jody said...

This all looks way fun!!!
Happy Birthday Ron!!!!!!!!!!