Friday, October 12, 2007

Knotless Netting & Finishing Minerva

Needlelace, knotless netting, buttonhole's something that seems to be used the world over. And I love how many different ways it's used. I use it to make pouches. Here's one I've worked on this week:

I've made a 4 thread braided neck strap for it & just have to finish adding some embellishments.
I also finished my Minerva top. Now I just need to find out where to get some ultra suede! We just don't have everything here in the middle of the Pacific ocean! Here's a pic:


abeadlady said...

Try this site for ultrasuede.
I think they can even cut special widths for you. Hope this helps.

Jody said...

Your working area, you are so organized :-)
Do tell are you crocheting the little pouches? Your photo's & creativeness is always enjoyable to see.

CC said...

Hi, Arline & Jo!
Thanks for the site, but I can't get it to work! One time it even said I was forbidden! :)