Friday, February 1, 2008

Aloha Friday After All I REALLY wanted to do my regular Aloha Friday update....SO...I left the computer on all night so I could get to it this morning before DH wakes up & wants to fix things! :)

This first post will just be a catch up for BJP. I'm behind, especially now that it's February already, but I do have my patterns cut out and ready to bead. Here they are:

Now I know you can tell what the symbol for February is, but can you tell what January is? Here's another pic:

So what do you think it is? :D Click on it for a bigger pic!


ACey said...

is it a butterfly cocoon?

Anonymous said...

One of those long, skinny pinecones?

Robin said...

I'm stumped... but great that you're in progress on these two pieces. Your cuff is gonna be super!

pam T said...

my first thought was a heart in its "real" form..... but then I was thinking a seed pod....

Timaree said...

Looks like a guy wearing a helicopter cap like in old cartoons!

Magpie Sue said...

I was thinking a hornet's nest hanging from a branch. How intriguing!

Judi D said...

Looks like something hanging from a tree for sure. Your cuff has a great start.