This first post will just be a catch up for BJP. I'm behind, especially now that it's February already, but I do have my patterns cut out and ready to bead. Here they are:
Now I know you can tell what the symbol for February is, but can you tell what January is? Here's another pic:
So what do you think it is? :D Click on it for a bigger pic!
is it a butterfly cocoon?
One of those long, skinny pinecones?
I'm stumped... but great that you're in progress on these two pieces. Your cuff is gonna be super!
my first thought was a heart in its "real" form..... but then I was thinking a seed pod....
Looks like a guy wearing a helicopter cap like in old cartoons!
I was thinking a hornet's nest hanging from a branch. How intriguing!
Looks like something hanging from a tree for sure. Your cuff has a great start.
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