Friday, February 29, 2008

January BJP finally emerges!

Well, it's been catch up time, but my January BJP is completed...well the focal piece anyway. Gotta remember these are all going to be put on boards! So here's a few views:


abeadlady said...

Oooh, that is yummy! Look at it long enough and I know that butterfly will come all the way out.


Timaree said...

It turned out great especially when you look at it from a distance first to get the "picture" and then to move in and see your beadwork. But then, all the impressionist works need to be looked at first from a distance and then closer in. Wow. You've joined a pretty good group there!

Quilter Kathy said...

Wonderful job on the pupa...I knew what it was right away! I once thought of doing a series of quilts on this theme. Are the colour choices symbolic to you, or to a specific butterfly?

Ellen said...

My oh my, this is superb!

CC said...

Thanks all!
Arline...maybe I will too! :)! Thanks!
Kathy...was that you who guessed it right away too when I first cut out the shape? I'll have to go back and check! The color choices are based on my supply of beads after looking at various images of cocoons...are they really called pupas? Would you do beaded quilts?
Kiwi Ellen...thanks so much!
It's so nice to get feedback! I never know what's gonna happen with this project! ;)
Warmest aloha,

KV said...

Really great job on this, CC!

Kathy V in NM

Robin said...

Oh my!!! You did a fabulous job on this one!!!! Makes me think spring... gives me joy to think about what will soon come from this safe place. Perhaps you too are about to emerge and take flight????