Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mothers' Day Card and Gift

A long while ago, on the island of Kaua'i,
we took a pohaku class.  (Rock carving)
My mom saw what we had made and asked for a candle holder.
So we saved her this heart shaped one.
She also happens to like beets (UGH!) and broccoli.
So I made her card using beets cut in half,
and added some watercolor crayon to a piece of broccoli
to get some green suggestion of leaves.
I hope she likes both.  I know she'll laugh at the card!
Here they are:
I hope she doesn't see this!  We mailed it
awhile back & she still doesn't have it!
I called her and warned her!


Jody said...

I love both of these!!

CC said...

Thanks sweetie! It's all fun!