Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oh no!

I have a wonderful e-pal in Italy who sent me an embroidery design for a pincushion.  It was so cute!  You can check out her site here.  She also has another one with more cooking!  (Pizelles, Mom!)  Anyway, I have 2 pens for embroidery.  One is a disappearing ink one & one is a water soluble one.  I thought I'd try the disappearing ink one first.  Here's a pic:
So I started to embroider it here and left the rest for the next day.  BUT when I got to it, all the lines had disappeared!!!
Apparently the air here sucks the water out of everything!!!  So I decided to retry copying it with the soluble ink pen here.
I'm hoping I can get this one done before the soluble pen disappears!!!
If not, I'm going for pencil!!!
Wish me luck!


mAtilda said...

waooohhhhh, i'm honored!!!
grazie, grazie, CC, i'm happy!

CC said...

NO! I was honored you shared your design with me! I sure hope it works out! I know I cannot embroider like you, but I will try my best! Hope you get some visitors from my blog! Ciao! CC

NO! Honored voi ho ripartito il vostro disegno con me! Speranza che sicura I risolve! So che non posso ricamare come voi, ma proverò il mio meglio! Speranza ottenete alcuni ospiti dal mio blog! Ciao! CC