The October Rune is the Scythe. *It is associated with Scorpio & death...dramatic transformations that appear to be final, but wise ones know they aren't. This can signify anything from a separation or divorce to some kind of danger. It's time to get to the bottom of things. Events may shift your focus dramatically, forcing you to change or transform. It's also associated with the paranormal, yep, even ghosts! (Perfect for this time of year!) This rune means to cut away, put an end to something or sever. Maybe changes must occur before reconciliation...coming to terms with something that is hard to accept. A time of passing through difficulties. Walls & blocks may seem insurmountable now, but Scythe implies you have the strength to overcome all difficulties.
The traditional birthstone for this month is rose zircon or pink tourmaline...depending on who you check I just used the closest color to both that I had for the background.
Also, while working on this, I found that 2 "tic tac" containers that are used in storage systems, can fit in my tins! Yahoo! So I can keep them in there ahead of time until I'm ready to use them!
* Information for this, and all further posts on my BJP runes, have come from "A Witch's Runes", by Susan Sheppard.