Friday, August 10, 2007

Comfort Dolls with Aloha

So, I designed an Aloha doll for the Comfort Doll project. She's really simple. I'm using aloha fabric & beading a heart on her. Once she's sewn & stuffed, I'll decide if I want to add any other embellishments. Here's the beginning of 2 of them:

Oh, and a peek at my August BJP piece!


Jo in NZ said...

Your Aloha comfort doll is great. Lovely idea of using the fabric in that way.
Look forward to seeing your progress on the sun too.

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

She looks beautiful just in pattern form. Love the fabric!Thank you for donating to the Comfort Doll project.

CC said...

Hi! I'd never used a fabric in that way before. Glad you liked the idea, Jo!
And Pat, I'll send the first one to you as soon as I can!
With aloha,