Saturday, August 25, 2007

She's gone batty! dear husband thinks I've gone over the edge! I started this week just adding lines of beads in each of the sun's rays after finishing off the "good red road".

Then I wanted to add an edging, but didn't want to do a picot. Wanted to somehow get a flat line of beads on the edge of the rays. Well, the only thing I knew to do was try some things out on my sample work piece. Here's that:

I LOVE buttonhole stitch, but only used it within a piece, not on an edge. But I use it to make baskets & buttonholes, so why not on the rays? Mwah ha ha!
I asked DH his opinion & he laughed! Too much work! Too bulky! Too...OK...out of the studio with him!!! Ha! I just went along merrily on my way. It's taking time, & it does get tangled, but I like it! And I'm the only one that counts on this one! :) You can see it here:

Not exactly sure how it will all turn out, but it's my hot, heavy August piece & I like it! :)


mAtilda said...

è molto bello CC, anche a me piace il punto occhiello.
non lo trovo sgradevole o esagerato, sui tuoi raggi, anzi mi dà l'idea di una cosa calda e corposa che racchiuda tutto il calore del sole in un abbraccio.
ciao matilda

Brenda said...

Kicking him out of the studio was the right thing to do. The stitch around the rays is giving it a depth that it needs. Its lovely!

Sue said...

Husbands, gotta love'm but they don't always get it!!!! Your piece looks like August to me, hot and heavy.... the humidity has been in the 85% range this week so I know heavy when I see it.

Norm and Nancy said...

LOVE your starfish! Yep, better keep DH out of the studio.......He can make baskets.....or go fly a kite :-) Keep on keepin on!
a hug,

coral-seas said...

Quite right, yours is the only opinion that counts, but I can't resist telling you mine. I think it's great, the button hole edge makes it look like it shimmering in the heat haze.


Chaska Peacock said...

I see someone else saw a starfish, instead of a sun. If you use it in a large piece and place it in the sky,
people will think you are very avant
garde!:-) CC, your work is incredible! Mai-Liis

KV said...

Thanks for giving me AND my husband a great laugh this morning! Love following your adventures . . .

Kathy V in NM

Ellen said...

I love it CC, the edging is perfect1

Ellen said...
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CC said...

Ah, gosh, I'm blushing! ;) You all are so nice! But mostly I think you're happy I just told DH to mind his own beeswax! :D
I guess, even working improvisationally, the stuff from art school comes out at times. So going with my gut, but with a little help from some schooling! And doing what I want to!
With aloha,

Mary Timme said...

That is right up there with asking, "So, can you make a lot of them and sell them?" in my opinion. There are some things that DH's just don't get!

nologic said...

Your sun is blazing hot. I like it. I am so ready for August to cool down a bit.

Timaree said...

Mary Timmes comment made me laugh. It is so true; men think of the bottom line too often! I think your sun looks great. Can I see it as a starfish- yes. But I love it as the sun which is after all, a star in the big ocean of the sky! The edging gives it an organic, living quality and we want our sun to live for a very long time so it can give life to our planet. It's growing into a very nice page!

s said...

I love the darker beads around your sun. It really pops it out.
I think it is absolutely fun.

abeadlady said...

Definitely the right move. Both the edging and DH. LOL They really don't get it, do they? What a great way to define those rays.