Friday, March 6, 2009

February BJP "Waves"

This was a different rune in that it wasn't symmetrical or a mirror image. So I had to COUNT beads, like counted cross stitch. This is my absolute UNFAVORITE thing to do! I have a pal who does the most beautiful counted cross stitch. You can see her work here. Just check out her patterns & you'll see what I mean. But me...fogeddaboudit!!!
Anyway, I had to use the beads I had to try to get an amethyst color. I wear the amethyst above every day, so I matched up beads as close as I could for this month's birthstone color. I like how it turned out 'cuz it's kinda murky, like the waves get when they toss around alot.
As for the meaning of this rune, first, it contains a spiral which has stood for the coils of consciousness that spiral back to a divine source, and represents power & movement. The waves indicate forward motion. They are fluid & unyielding, & your path may be cloudy & unsure. It's a time to find out what is genuine in your life & yourself. On the surface it stands for intuition & artistic imagination, but a cloudy perception. You may feel swept away by emotions, but clarify what you want & then follow through. Remain steadfast in the chaos.
Again, this info was taken from "A Witch's Runes" by, Susan Sheppard.


abeadlady said...

Great page, CC. Did you do it on a loom. It is so precise. I know what you mean about having to count beads. That's why most everything I do is freeform or intuitive. I don't like having to follow patterns.


Robin said...

Since I love both waves and spirals, this is my favorite so far... The colors you chose are perfect! Robin A.

heidibeads said...

CC - I hate to count to, but wasn't it worth it for this one! I really like it. The meaning really matches with the rune, too. I'm also glad to see you're still using your creative talents in other ways from visiting your blog. It's like an adventure everytime! Hugs - Heidibeads

KV said...

This has been a fascinting project to follow, CC. So glad you like your purse charm!!!

Kathy V in NM

CC said...

Hi all!
Nope, Arline, it's off-loom beading. Glad you like it Robin!'s always an adventure!!! Every day! :)
KV...I LOVE my charm, but I think I'm gonna use it on my scissors! That way I'll see it every day!
Warmest aloha,

Corinne Loomer said...

I love your personal symbols for all of the zodiac. Great work.

robin michelle said...

I love your runes! I'm looking forward to seeing the completed project.

CC said...

Thanks Corinne & Robin! I'm learning alot from the book & can't wait to hang it in my window when I get it done!
Warmest aloha,