Sunday, July 5, 2009

Decisions and a DATE!!!

Being a mixed media artist can be hard on travelling! What do you take with you? Which threads, floss, fabrics, etc.??? I'm still deciding & we have a finalized date to move our stuff!!! Ack! All the stuff will leave here 7/29 & 7/30!!! Then we'll leave the first week in August!!! So what to pack? What to mail ahead? What is so precious I have to carry it with me??? ACK! I have a feeling I'll pack alot, mail some, & just bring a bit!


Just Me Jody said...

Dear Sweetie,
You will do just fine in the packing department of your goodies to work on.
Love & Hugs
PS Counting the days

CC said...

I'm counting the days too...and Ron tells me to hurry & get him stuff to pack! Ack! So back to the studio!