Friday, September 28, 2007

School's started and I'm DONE!!!

Yahoo! I was a little worried about this piece! There are so many memories for me that have to do with September. Including my parents' birthdays, 9-11, school starting, quitting smoking, etc. Being a WYSIWYG, I wear my heart on my sleeve & am direct in what I say & do. So it was hard to work improvisationally on this piece. But once all my BJP helpers let me know it was OK, I started to play with the piece. And now it's done! Whew! Here's a pic:

Like I said, no hidden agendas with me! :)

Also, every month I've been collecting/making little danglies that will go on these pieces once they are mounted on boards. Here's a pic of some of the shells, milagros, old earrings, etc that may find their way onto a particular piece:

I really enjoyed making that snowflake! I've done off-loom beading alot more than beaded embroidery, so it was fun to find the instructions for this & take a break & make one! Woo hoo!

Minerva Update

There's so many things I'm working on that I can't post 'cuz they are for specific people who read this blog!!! But once they receive their items, then I'll post them. In the meantime, I'll post what I can. So here is how far I've come with my Minerva piece:

Not alot, but I've learned something thru' doing this piece. I really enjoy creating pieces that have meaning to me. Especially a spiritual meaning. And this one is so calming to's like a meditation. It's not big, but it has a big lesson. I think I'll be doing more of this kind of work, whether it's beaded or watercolor!

Friday, September 21, 2007


This is a personal piece I'm working on for my home altar. Minerva is the Italian goddess of arts & crafts. There's so much evidence of her in Italy...Christian churches on top of her temples...I just felt like I wanted to remember her. And her helper, the owl...which is our family "totem". (It's called something else in Italian, but figured everyone might understand "totem" better.) There's more to her story & mine, but that's all I'm gonna blog about it! :) Except to say sorry for the hard to see pics, but it's been a busy week!

Playing with September after all the helpful encouragement, I threw out the rules & just decided to do whatever the heck I wanted! So I played! And it's funny the bits that showed up to go on this month's BJP piece! I didn't even remember that school ephemera! Who knew? So I'm just gonna play all the way until it's done! Here's a pic of it so far:

I know I only have a week left, so I better hop to it! Oh, & in case you can't find it in the comments, freebird, I did the rainbow colors around the word "Dream" 'cuz when I went to grammar school, every year I'd get a big box of crayons every color of the rainbow. I loved 'em! Also, this is the time of year people start getting ready for the pow wow here, so I used beads I got from the pow wow in the rainbow. I'm really not sure what's happening with this one, but I'm just gonna play with it!

Is it a journal? Is it a sketchbook?

Hi, all & happy Aloha Friday!
This post is specially for freebird. She commented about journals/sketchbooks, so I thought I'd share my stuff. It's not all neat like it shows in the previous post! :)

Here's a sampling of what I do. That big black "book" (lower left) contains my "morning pages"...the hour I spend getting rid of the "mitote" as suggested in "The Artist's Way". It's just a bunch of words. I go thru' about one every 3 or 4 months. The smaller black moleskin (upper right) is my watercolor sketchbook...the one I showed a couple sketches from in the previous post. Just mostly daily play sketches. The leather journal (lower right) is my life events journal. I paint/journal from the big events in my life in there. But the one I love the most is my "idea" book. It's the small green sketch book (upper left) that I carry with me everywhere! If I get an idea, it goes in there. If I get an address, phone number, receipt, whatever, it goes in there. If I ever get stuck, I go to these books!!! I have 'em lined up on my table & I just browse thru' all the ideas I've saved over the years. It's so nice! I even put a little sketch of a lightbulb by the idea so I can pick it out from the rest of the stuff! :) It's my most messy, loved "book" in the world! It's like that story about the Velveteen Rabbit! So, freebird, I bet your sketchbook is a Velveteen Rabbit that's loved alot!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Technical Difficulties

This was a week of technical difficulties! Especially on my September BJP piece! After I learned my lesson with markers, I painted another base to start over.

Then I decided to learn from my new "Beading with Cabachons" book. It seemed to work ok, but kinda felt loose to me. So I ended up going thru' each row alot of times!

Then September 11th came and I had to do something. So I added 2 large beads to represent the Twin Towers. But I wanted all the families to be covered in healing blue energy. So I tried to do some netting over it. A new stitch and ALOT of do-overs & pulling out beads & threads.

After this, I was getting nervous. I'm really new to this improvisational thing, but having so many mistakes on one piece was frustrating me. So I decided to get out some big size 6 beads & make a path thru' it all. That was after I did one of those poems Robin talks about in her book! That seems to help me go on to the next step. So here's where I'm at now.

I'm really hoping this turns out ok...especially after this rough start. One day at a time we all move on!
With aloha!

Remember September

So it was September again. This year I read about the Remember September mail art project & at the last minute decided to send one in. I sketched the NY skyline on red mulberry paper & tore out the outline of the Twin Towers. I remember being there years ago. I added some words to the families & friends who lost someone, and here it is ready to be mailed on 9/11.

You can read about the project here if you'd like to have a go at this next year.

Creative Decisions

Well, it's been an interesting week to say the least! In the midst of working on some other projects, I came across an old sketchbook that got me interested in doing some figurative art again. Here's a few sketches after Gorg:

BUT...I've also been doing some fun watercolor & ink journalling! Here's a couple of those:
The thing is I like doing it all! Including all the mixed media art I do! I sometimes just wish I could stick with one thing so my studio wouldn't be so crowded! But whether it's fabric, paper, or beads, I want to be able to do it all! Is anyone else like this? :) And then there's all the crafts I make for Huckleberry Hut, and all the jewelry....and....Ack!!! My head is so full it feels like it's gonna burst! But at least it's full of JOY!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Huckleberry Hut

OK...this is MY art blog, but I'd be remiss if I didn't introduce my DH & our little cottage business. His name is Ron, & our business is called Huckleberry Hut. We celebrate arts & crafts~if it ain't fun, we don't do it! We make everything from baskets using invasive species, to handmade paper using recycled & natural materials, to greeting cards using that handmade paper to traditional crafts, to ornaments, to jewelry to...well, whatever we want! So here's a little pic of Ron with some of the baskets he made awhile back. Hi, honey!

Now, back to MY art! Which is a whole other thing! :)

Mango Season!

I wish you all could see the beautiful colors of all the mangoes now! Here's a shot of a few, but you really have to see them in person!

The colors seem to be all the colors of the rainbow! Yellow to violet! Beautiful! Now if I only didn't get "mango mouth" I could eat them! Ha!

Starting Over

OK...I learn by doing. I've practiced using markers on small pieces of Timtex so I'll be ready for the Bead it Forward project. So I decided to do my September page the same way. Well, I thought that if one coat was good for a tiny piece, 3 or 4 coats would be better for a larger piece. So on I went adding all the coats...forgetting to leave a border...and the results were this!

So I decided to wait 24 hours to see if it would dry. Guess what? It didn't!

It looks like next week I'll be starting over...this time I'll use paint or fabric!!! How many lessons are we all learning in this project??? ;)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Scattergories pal Jo, had a challenge on her blog, & if anyone tried this, & sent her the link, you could win a piece of her art! So I plan to win! :) Of course our names are in a hat, but I'm sure I'll do fine at getting picked! :D

SCATTERGORIES ... and it's harder than it looks! Here are the rules:
* Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions.
*They MUST be real places, names, things ... NOTHING made up!

*If you can't think of anything, skip it.
*You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.
*If your name happens to start with the same letter as mine, sorry, but you can't use my answers!
My name: CC

1. Famous Singer/Band: Cher
2. Four letter word: Crap
3. Street: Cane Crop Road
4. Color: Cranberry (prismacolor pencils say so!)
5. Gifts/Presents: Candy
6. Vehicle: Chevy
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Crafts
8. Boy Name: Christopher
9. Girl Name: Caren
10. Movie Title: Canadian Bacon
11. Drink: Chardonnay
12. Occupation: Carpenter
13. Celebrity: Charlie Sheen
14. Magazine: Computer World
15. U.S. City: Chicago
16. Pro Sports Teams: Cleveland Browns
17. Fruit: Cherry
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Cat ate my homework!
19. Something You Throw Away: Cans
20. Things You Shout: Ciao!
21. Cartoon Character: Clifford the Big Red Dog
There you go, Jo! Put my name in the hat!!! ;)