Saturday, February 7, 2009

Valentine's Day is coming!

Below are some doodles I did while at the dentist waiting for my DH who had to have some fillings done. I always carry this small sketchbook with me for ideas, phone numbers, recipes, etc. It's amazing how much you can fit onto a small page. All you need is a tiny sketch so that you can remember what your idea was.
And below are a few of the cards I ended up making. They don't show up real well on the white background. But then I'm learning what works with this photography thing!


Timaree said...

Oh, I especially like the heart hanging from the moon one. These are nice cards.

Your sketches are so neatly done. I always sketch so sloppily and off kilter. Your notes are a pleasure to look at.

CC said...

Hi, freebird! ;) I'm glad you liked that too. I gave away a bunch of others in a swap & forgot to take a pic! Ah, well!
Thanks for giving me encouragement!
Warmest aloha,