Friday, April 10, 2009

Mountain of Harvest! DH is getting a little crazy about his harvest!!! Look at that mad gleam in his eyes!!!
Here's a mountain of beans of various sorts...yep, that's one day's harvest in our sink!!!
And the greens...beet greens, chard, arugula...
Someone stop him!!! :)


Azlina Abdul said...

Oh my goodness!!! That's a lot of beans!! Wow!! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful bounty you have here! I love "real" fresh veggies! Hubby looks like he's in heaven... ; )
Found your blog through EDM group!
Take it easy

Jody said...

Wow, Ron's garden is WOW!! so green, send some goodies to munch on ...nothin'like fresh veggies. Does he do "casserole dishes" to with the veggies. yum