Friday, May 22, 2009


This beautiful flower just fell over in our yard! We rescued it & put it in a place of honor on our front porch...and it honors us with it's beauty!
And before that, one of my bestest friends here brought me some beautiful gardenias she grew in her yard! Oh, the smell! If I could just describe how wonderful it made me feel to get these beauties! The fragrance is so warm & wonderful! I sewed a petal into my art journal so hopefully some of the fragrance will last my friendship with my pal! Love you, pal!


Azlina Abdul said...

Guess what sweetie?? My Mom has a gardenia tree at her house! And I love it when the flowers sweet smelling! And pretty too!

CC said...

Hi, Sweetie! I am happy for your mom! And you get to go see & smell it too! Lucky you!

Teena in Toronto said...

Very cool!

Happy blogoversary!

CC said...

Thanks, Teena!
And best wishes on your Blogoversary that's comin' up!
Warmest aloha,