Friday, May 22, 2009


Some of you may have read I was RAAKed just a little bit ago by a can see her site here! I think she has a different Flickr account where she shows her beautiful art! Anyway, after my last post, she asked me if I realized the flap on top opened! I hadn't! I kept pushing it down thinking the humidity in Hawaii was making the glue come undone! So I quickly got out my new personalized magnet box, & lo, & opens! I wondered why she hadn't signed her name to her art! And here was this wonderful note you can see below:

She is such a sweetie! And has a certain style about her that I can tell anywhere! Below you can see the pic she sent me to show me how it was originally sent. What a wonderful surprise! Thanks, sweetie!


Grace to You said...

Argh! It looks like the magnet on the flap pulled off the bottom part...believe it or not, the two little things on the top are two magnets stuck together. Aren't they unbelievably thin? But unbelievably strong, too...too strong for the adhesive!

CC said...

Ha!!! I just looked & sure enough there are 2 teenie weenie magnets stuck together! :) They are SO strong for such wee little things! Did you use redline tape, or a liquid adhesive? I'm not even sure the red stuff woulda held 'em apart!
Thanks again!
Warmest aloha,