Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lavender Hearts

Been working on some hearts stuffed with just a bit of lavender. Using fabrics & embellishments from pals, as well as my beads, threads & own bits. This is the first one I finished. It can be used in a drawer or hung in a closet. It smells wonderful, & is a deterent to some insects here!


Just Me Jody said...

hmm I really like this idea, we have locals who grow lots of Lavender, I might just have to buy some. Friend gave me an eye cover with lavender in it & I use it when I have a headache or when I nap.

CC said...

Mmmm...they do smell wonderful! I have a huge Ziploc bag I got from Purple Haze in Sequim, WA. I can smell it outside the bag! The kind is favorite!