Friday, June 8, 2007

BJP Friday Update

OK...I'm not sure what happened, but my birth sperm got very regal next! See pic:

Then I got some beads & sequins from my pal in Malaysia! I just had to add some of them. My dad loved flowers. And, to correct some dates I told some pals, I had an African Violet that bloomed from 10/04 until 1/05. It stopped blooming. Then on the day my dad died, 6/10/06, it bloomed! So I used some of her flower sequins & my violet beads to honor him. Thanks, Lin! Here's a pic so far:

Not sure where I'm going from here, but I know it will all be fine however it turns out!


Lois2037 said...

Lovely work! I really like seeing it grow and change.

Azlina Abdul said...

WOW!! Your bead project is starting to show some more colours! I love seeing the changes in it bit by bit as you add on new ideas on the heart shape. I wish I could see the details a lot closer :)

Jody said...

I just love the latest addition of photo's to your blog, wow!!! the Zen bracelet, the little pouches are all things I hope to make in the future...they are way cool.

Patricia J. Mosca said...

How do you get to the BJP site??? I think this is something that I would like to do...Your work is stunning!

CC said...

Thanks for all your wonderful comments! Wow!
Lois, I have no clue where I'm going, but I'm going! :)
Lin, you can click on the pic to see it larger & in more detail!
Jotee, you will be doing this all in no time!
And Pattie, the BJP site is It's closed officially, but there are unofficial members joining us! Check it out!
Blessings to all!