Okey dokey...first it went up, then I filled in the background. Now I just have to figure out what edging and danglies I want! Eventually each month will either be attached to canvas board or attached to a small quilt. I've decided I want words somewhere because as I work on this piece, I am reminded of so many JUNE things...barefoot in the grass, lightning bugs, flowers, sun, etc. I just feel like a kid who got let out of school! Summer's here! Yahoo! So here's the latest pics.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Friday June 22nd BJP Update
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All this talk about lightning bugs just brought back so many memories of my childhood in Ohio. We certainly don't have them in New Mexico!
love this piece! Have enjoyed watching it come together.
love this piece! Have enjoyed watching it come together.
Hi HRH CC, I think it's looking great. I clicked on the pictures to see them enlarged; I could see the grass and background then, and everything else. Can't wait to see the edging and dangly's. Yes, the words and memories of summer and June are popping up. Are you going to write on the page or quilt you attach your piece to then? It makes sense if we want to remember the things that came to mind as we worked on our pages.
this coming along great! Love the colors you have picked!
CC it does remind me of "summer days" (I'm smiling) Thanks for sharing, Lillian
Beautiful piece! It does look summery.
Wow! Thank you all for your nice comments! I like to think it made others smile to remember some of those happy summer days! I know we all have problems, but a good memory once in awhile can sure help! And you all have been a good blessing to me today! Mahalo nui loa! Oh, and I do plan on writing all the words down on whatever I attach my pieces to. Also gonna include the poem I did when I got stuck! :) Happy beading to you all! And to all, a good weekend! :D
What a beautiful piece! I'm reminded of all kinds of wonderful summer memories... and some summer memories I'm creating right now.
Gorgeous, CC! Congratulations! I can't wait to see what's next.
Fantabulous...I can feel the daisy's between my toes & even the sand from the beach after building all of those sandcastles. Thanks for sharing the latest photo's & can't wait to see those dangly things. Hugs
Sweetie! WOW! The beads are so colourful and happy looking :) Love the ones going up like grass,great idea! Can't wait to see what you're going to do next! More happy beads coming up! :)
I can't even figure out how to make a post to your blog. But it is great and you seem to be having so much fun. Well off to make more paper.
Hello HRH CC,
This is the hidden identity royal god-daughter! Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I love this piece- it is so many aspects of you...combined with many other great things...ahem...Moi! :)
Thanks for the shout out on your awesome blog!
Love, HRP (and very proud to share the relation and be known for it) Erica
P.S. Use side-lighting! it helps reduce glare and capture the texture,etc. the best...rather than front-directly on the piece-adds glare(ie- the piece with metal in it),etc. Basically- it ends up being the most basic and simple but one of the worst lighting in most cases! Let me know if it helps
Love, the photographer HRP
ciao, il tuo commento sul mio post era comprensibile.
bellissimo il tuo cuore-trottola (heart-blade? o blade-hart?)mi piace il percorso e mi piacciono molto i colori.
mi fa venire in mente tante idee. una in particolare, una scatola-giardino che ho sempre desiderato realizzare.
aspetto i tuoi commenti sul mio lavoro.
ciao matilda
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