Saturday, June 2, 2007

Here We Go

So it's Saturday & I'm 'sposed to be off to the races, but I have swollen glands & feel like crud. Poo. BUT, yesterday I did get started on the BJP. I had so many ideas running thru' my head. I'd decided on this one idea, then read the rules & FAQs & found out that each month had to be the same size! So I redid my idea, but just wasn't happy with it. So I got out all my beads, charms, threads, pearls, etc. & found my original idea. I'd even made a template for the main piece, so I learned a big lesson.

Then I did as Robin said & let go of all those years of training in color theory, composition, etc. & just let my inner child out to play. Well, I did that & picked all sorts of blues, greens, happy colors...and WHITE! Why white? I didn't care; I just picked it. Then this morning as I was journalling in my daily journal, I realized that June in the U.S. is a big month for weddings. And what do some brides wear? White! OK! I get it. Now if I can just keep playing & not listen to that inner critic! Sheesh!

So I'm starting with one heart a month. I will think about what that month means to me.'s out, summer starts, beaches, play, weddings, special birthdays, and even death. My Dad died June 10th of last year, so I'm sure he'll be in there somewhere.


Timaree said...

I am sorry to hear your dad died. It doesn't matter if it was a year ago; my dad died 7 years ago but what am I doing my first BJP page on? Yep. My dad, who's birthday was in June. I am enjoying spending time with my thoughts of him. You will enjoy the heart you make for your dad.

CC said...

Hey, freebird, thanks for the comment. Sorry about your dad too. I miss mine especially now with all the Father's Day ads! Sheesh. But he's in my pocket & I'm sure he'll show up in my art!

Robin said...

He will show up for sure. This is a lovely post in a lovely blog! Thanks for the link on the BJP blog.

CC said...

Thanks, Robin, for your comment! It means alot to me that you are so caring of each of us! I hope you know what a blessing you have been to us!
With aloha,