Friday, June 19, 2009

Off Loom Square Stitch Example

Some have mentioned they thought my work was done on a loom, but I am using an off-loom beading stitch called square stitch. One bead at a time is sewn onto a bead in the previous row. Below you will find an example.
Here I am part way into my June rune. I am ready to add a new bead:
I pick up the yellow bead on my needle.
I insert the needle back into the bead in the previous row
that will be directly below the new yellow bead.
Now, I'm sorry this is blurry, but I wanted to show that you pull the thread below the just added yellow bead. I'm sure you can just imagine it! :)
Next I go back up thru' the yellow bead & pull the thread thru'.
Ta Da! One bead added! Now how many hundreds more to go!
Each rune has 625 beads in it stitched on one at a time.
I hope this little example helps just a bit. At least you can see how it's not made on a loom! :)


Just Me Jody said...

I for sure am waiting for some "bead lessons"....I still have problems sometimes with beading...
I am thinking that New Mexico needs a fun "Art Retreat"...meaning all friends get together & no commercialism.

CC said...

Okey dokey...did I tell you I dreamed an art retreat? :) Just sharing info....